holger krekel
2016-12-06 11:47:04 UTC
Hi all, (cross-post openpgp / messaging),
next week Dec 14-18th a diverse set of programmers, cryptographers and researchers meet to move automatic mail encryption forward. Their hackathon, unconference and fun hangouts are going to happen at the Onion space in Berlin, see here for more details: https://github.com/mailencrypt/ame2016 . There still is space. Also feel free to just drop by in the evenings if you are around Berlin.
The main focus of the 5-day meetup of currently ~15 people is on mail encryption but some are also doing a sub session around federated low-latency messaging on thursday afternoon, featuring Matthew from matrix.org and Dominic from Scuttlebot.io among likely others.
You'll find within the meeting page this link to draft doc on "in-band-opportunistic-mail-encryption" (INBOME) https://inbome.readthedocs.org/. I expect a lot of discussion and clarification on its relation to key servers or Werner's web-key-directory approach. FWIW my personal INBOME involvement grew from my perception that email providers seem not very inclined to operate "certifying" key servers and that making automatic mail encryption efforts dependent on that may mean it never really happens.
next week Dec 14-18th a diverse set of programmers, cryptographers and researchers meet to move automatic mail encryption forward. Their hackathon, unconference and fun hangouts are going to happen at the Onion space in Berlin, see here for more details: https://github.com/mailencrypt/ame2016 . There still is space. Also feel free to just drop by in the evenings if you are around Berlin.
The main focus of the 5-day meetup of currently ~15 people is on mail encryption but some are also doing a sub session around federated low-latency messaging on thursday afternoon, featuring Matthew from matrix.org and Dominic from Scuttlebot.io among likely others.
You'll find within the meeting page this link to draft doc on "in-band-opportunistic-mail-encryption" (INBOME) https://inbome.readthedocs.org/. I expect a lot of discussion and clarification on its relation to key servers or Werner's web-key-directory approach. FWIW my personal INBOME involvement grew from my perception that email providers seem not very inclined to operate "certifying" key servers and that making automatic mail encryption efforts dependent on that may mean it never really happens.